
Antique Islamic Textile, Egypt,
Fatimid Textile Tiraz, Fatimid Period
969 - 1171 A.D
Size 16" x 4"
Provenance: Formerly in the H. Kevorkian Collection
An Important Early Islamic Textile

The inscription is a repetition of: nasr min
Allah, "Help from God", a benedictory formula very
common in Fatimid textiles. As a type, textiles with such repeat
formulae emulated the caliphal textiles which were inscribed with
caliphal protocal, but probably served a different market. The style
of script, cursive version rather than the kufic used in caliphal
textiles, would indicate a more informal environment.
Reference: (Bouvier, Tissus d'Egypte, temoin
du monde arabe VIIIe-XV e siecles, Collection Bouvier, Geneva
and Paris, 1994, pp. 252-3, no.152). |