About Hamid Tavakoli
Featured on this site are the finest museum quality antique textiles
offered by Hamid Tavakoli at Art of Persepolis
Inc. in New York City. For over forty years, Hamid has
been building his collection which now exceeds to three thousand eight hundred pieces.
He maintains a reputation as one of the world's leading dealers in
antique textile objects. His inventory is exceptionally diverse and
items will be appearing here at TextileAsArt.com
on a rotating basis for you to view.
Hamid travels around the U.S. and the world collecting beautiful antiques.
He also collects books that talk about all the different kinds of
textile art throughout the world (Some of these books are antique
as well). Hamid is also very knowledgeable about antiques and can
provide information on just about any of the world's most precious
textiles. He has a close working relationship with many Galleries,
Museums, and Auction Houses. Hamid's Persian
and Italian textiles have also been recently
featured at Chelsea Art Museum and private galleries in New York City.
Please Contact
him if you have any questions regarding any of his beautiful antique
objects not appearing on this site!
Please visit Hamid's web site at www.ArtOfPersia.com
where you can browse more of his beautiful Antique Carpets, along
with his other featured antique objects like Antique American Hooked
Rugs, Antique Islamic Art, and Persian Art.