
Ancient Islamic Textile, Egyptian
Fatimid Textile Tiraz, Fatimid Period
969 - 1171 A.D.
Size 12" x 5"
Size 30 x 13cm
Top and Below are Detail Images
Provenance: Formerly in the H. Kevorkian Collection
Cf: Tissus D’Egypte, Bouvier Collection Geneva
An Important Early Islamic textile with Inscription

Tiraz Textile Possibly from Coat or Robe
Egypt Possibly Tinnis
Period of Sultan al-Aziz, 365-386 A.H (975-996 A.D)
Size 12in x 4.5in = 30cm x12cm
Warp: Linen dyed deep blue, S spun, 32/in (13/cm)
Weft: Linen dyed deep blue, S spun, 19/in (8/cm)
Pattern: Silk, dyed yellow, 80-90/in (32-36/cm) facing weft
Gauze ground, Tapestry weave inscription on pulled work
Contemporary ogival copper repousse applied ornament apparently
unique, sewn above Inscription at left.
Text: 45mm. height it hastae.
Kufic letters in “trembling” style: vary risers as if
blowing in a breeze characteristic Of the period at the time.
Similar pieces both turban fragments, in dark blue linen with smaller
“trembling” Kufic
Calligraphy may be found in Tissus D’Egypte, Bouvier Collection
No.117, and Benaki Museum, Athens. No. A140, dated 377 or 379
The technique of tapestry weave over pulled work on a extremely
open gauze ground
Is characteristic of the al Aziz and al Hakim periods of the Fatimid
caliphate and these pieces are almost certainly from Tinnis.