Antique Persian Textile. Silk Rashti- Duzi Embroidery on Felt
Prayer Design Wall Hanging Qajar Dynasty
1795 -1925 A.D Circa 1840
Size 95'' x 54''
Size 241 x 137cm
Top & Below are Detail Images
Qajar Royal Embroidery Panel order by Muhammad Shah Circa (1834-1848) for gift to Russian Emperor with Russian coad to arms at the top of panel
wool embroidered Reshti Dozi woolen applique's, one of these panel is now in the V & A museum London
Below Information of Qajar tent by The Cleveland Museum of Art
Royal Round Tent Made for Muhammad Shah (ruled 1834–48). Iran, Rasht, Qajar period (1779–1925). Interior: Plain weave: inlaid work, wool; embroidery: chain stitch, silk; tape, leather, rope. Exterior: Plain weave: cotton; iron ring, rope; h: 360 cm, diam: 400 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art,
Persian Textile